Refugees and/or asylum seekers are welcome 

Your Aufenthaltsgestattung (permission to remain or temporary permission to stay) is limited to a certain time. During this period you are part of the by government sponsored social welfare program. Furthermore the Tafel Oberberg Süd may give some support  - which is no legal entitlement - in providing food for you. This food is donated by local groceries, from there collected and distributed. Helpers, all of them volunteers, ensure that the help arrives where it is needed. In doing so we must have for the initial registration valid documents proving your personal status.The necessary requirements are the above mentioned Aufenthaltsgestattungand theAsylbewerberleistungsbescheid (notice of performance for asylum seekers)which states addintionally how many relatives will participate in the welfare program. The Asylbewerberleistungsbescheid was issued by the local authorities at the time of your arrival.